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The Embodied Awareness Training

3-Week Self-Paced Course
Prerequisite: None

  • Be more present in your own body; experience how embodied awareness truly feels.

  • Learn how to pause and be present in the most challenging moments.

  • Learn to be more present and connected with others on a deeper level.

  • Examine the core beliefs that get in the way of you being truly present.

  • Learn strategies for having embodied presence with a history of trauma.

  • Have greater calmness, clarity and ease being in the present moment.

  • Experience a greater sense of safety in your body.

  • This gateway course into embodied awareness is a must for any therapeutic mind-body practice.

The Online Course Includes:

  • 3 - Prerecorded video sessions over three weeks

  • Practical Exercises and Take-Home Tools to Feel More Embodied 

  • 4- Guided audio meditations

  • Each week you will receive practices to help bring the course material alive in your own personal experience and to help you with assimilation and integration of course content

  • You’ll be able to access and view all of the material at a time that is convenient for you 

Course Fee


I recently participated in a wonderful life changing, 4 week online course called “Embodied Awareness - The Art of Listening and Presence” with Michael Aaron from Craniosacral Institute Australia. Doing the course facilitated some of the deepest healing work I have done in my whole life. Michael has years of experience, wisdom and learning in the fields that he teaches in, and he managed to guide me through a profound experience, awakening an awareness in me to my own blockages in life and what the core beliefs are that I have long held since I was a child. Michael provided a process that helped me slowly access these beliefs and see them for what they really are, and how they no longer serve me as an adult. For the first time in my life I was able to stay completely present in my body, at the same time as sitting with the discomforts from my past. It was amazing to feel how quickly these discomforts moved on while I was able to hold that embodiment and provide myself with a deeply compassionate presence and listening.


The course is structured in a way that you slowly build up the skills of safely being completely present in your own body, and also have the capacity, at the same time, to be totally present with other people in your life. At all times during his teaching and guidance, Michael holds a safe space, with no ego, and maintains his own humanness and vulnerability which can be so rare to find in the teaching world today. Something about Michael’s courses and the way he teaches, gets into your heart and gives you the courage to tap into your own capacity for vulnerability, healing and personal growth. I thoroughly recommend doing this course , or any of Michael’s courses. I have so much gratitude to Michael for providing for this learning. - Lisa

© 2024 Michael Aaron and Embodied Awareness

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+61 419 989 211

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